Eric Marshall

Eric Marshall is originally from Houston, and has lived in New Orleans for the last five years.

He has his masters in Public History from UNO and has worked as a cook, teacher, and tour guide in the city. His chapter in "Say it Forward: A Guide to Social Justice Storytelling" chronicled his oral history project that interviewed individuals who relocated from New Orleans to Houston after Hurricane Katrina.

You can follow his garden and two shibas on instagram @theholyoaks or commiserate about the Pelicans and most anything @hotlunchplate on Twitter.

How to know you’re eating in the right place in New Orleans

By Eric Marshall / November 11, 2019

There are over 1,400 restaurants in New Orleans, and that’s honestly too many choices for anyone to make.
You need to examine the landscape. Use all five senses, and it starts from when you walk up to the building.