Chaos and Kindness


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New Hampshire based band Recycled Percussion performs acts of kindness for people in their community

Join New Hampshire-based band Recycled Percussion as they perform acts of kindness for people in their community, and those across the country. From donating a world record number of coats to buying a woman living in a shed a new home, you’ll witness the great lengths they’re willing to go in the name of kindness.

Meet the Hosts: Recycled Percussion

After gaining national fame with their ground breaking performances on America’s Got Talent, Recycled Percussion became one of the most successful acts on the Las Vegas Strip for ten straight years. They have performed more than 7,000 shows worldwide and have appeared on 40 popular TV shows, including The Grammy Awards, the Super Bowl, America’s Got Talent, China’s Got Talent, Kris Jenner, MTV Reality Awards, Comedy Central’s “The Gong Show,”  broken six world records, and have performed more corporate shows than any band in North America. 

Where to watch Chaos and Kindness

Chaos and Kindness” is available exclusively on the Very Local app.