
A part-time freelance writer and full-time copywriter, Cassidy is a lover of all things Pittsburgh. She fell in love with the bridges, the rivers, the culture, and the food from the first moment she stepped foot in the city in 2015. She has a passion for storytelling, whether it’s working on her creepy thriller novel at night or writing about incredible food and must-see locations. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find her practicing yoga, tending to her plants, crafting a new recipe in the kitchen, buying more books than she’ll ever be able to read, or daydreaming about the next dish she can top with French fries (Pittsburgh style).

Recycle Christmas Lights

Where to recycle christmas lights in Pittsburgh (& by mail)

By Cassidy Swanson / January 5, 2022

A list of hardware stores where you can drop off your lights for recycling